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Regression to the Womb

ewa hypnosis

Updated: Jul 6, 2024

We are influenced by everything we experience in the womb. After birth, we may forget these early experiences, but unconsciously, we are still affected by the programming that took place, which continues to shape us for the rest of our lives. This can include behavioral patterns, inner conflicts, fears, and decisions that dictate our life's direction. During regression to the womb, we become aware of how our mother's emotional and mental state during pregnancy affected us. This process has the potential to raise our awareness of issues that originated at this early stage, providing an opportunity for cognitive reframing and positive change. 



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Kay words: alternative healing modalities, QHHT, Quantum Healing, Hypnosis Technique, Dolores Cannon, Introspective Hypnosis, Hipnoza Introspekcyjna, Alba Weinman, Hypnotherapy, spiritual awakening, spiritual attachments, Past Life Regression, Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions, Akashic Records, hypnotherapist, regressive hypnotherapy, Aurelio Mejia, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, accelerated healing methods, pain management, karma, Clinical Hypnosis, Forgiveness Therapy, Spirit Releasement, Ewa Demianiuk, Sacramento Area, Bay Area, El Dorado Hills, Folsom, New Earth, IQH, Illuminated Quantum Healing,

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